Love and Respect the Earth: Multi-Religious Collaboration to Address the Climate Crisis In Celebration of Earth Day

14. April 2022

Dear Esteemed Religions for Peace Leaders, Partners, and Colleagues, 

The City Council of Manresa, Catalonia, Spain and Religions for Peace International are pleased to share an invitation to attend Love and Respect the Earth: Multi-Religious Collaboration to Address the Climate Crisis In Celebration of Earth Day, a Hybrid Event taking place on Thursday, 21 April 2022 9:00-11:00 AM EST | 3:00-5:00 PM CET Click here for local time

While civil society organizations are raising awareness of impending crises stemming from climate change and ecologically unsustainable consumption, this consciousness has yet to be translated into solid policy change or action worldwide. The key objectives of this event are to identify the barriers that impede concrete action to address the climate crisis; engage youth, women, faith leaders, civil society actors, and policy leaders to share their perspectives and experiences in advocating for and taking action to halt environmental degradation; and develop a strategy that brings diverse stakeholders together to ensure a sustainable environment. 

Originally published on April 12th 2022.

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