Religions for Peace faith leaders demand an accountability to peace

7. Februar 2022
Calling for peace and a de-escalation of the militarization of Ukraine’s borders is also a prayer for justice. Peace is a matter of choice and has to be shared by all the forces engaged in this concerning geopolitical context…while conflict may be a normal aspect of coexistence, war and violence are not inevitable.


Statement of Religions for Peace 27 January 2022

We, men and women faith leaders, representing all faith traditions within Europe are joined by our peers from all corners of the world of Religions for Peace. As faith communities and religious leaders, we are obliged constantly to remind people about the obligation and responsibility to choose peace through dialogue. Our role is to pray for and support peaceful resolutions of conflict situations, with a priority for the security of civilians, including the most vulnerable among them.

We endorse the statements already made by some of our respective institutions, about events between world powers involving the Ukraine – including appeals by the Catholics Bishops of Ukraine and Poland,
the World Council of Churches, and the United States National Bishops’ Conference.

We add our voices and convictions, as faith leaders representing Baháʼí, Christina, Buddhist, Hindu, Indigenous Spirituality, Islamic, Jain, Jewish, Sikh and Zoroastrian faiths to:

Laudate, and give thanks, for the voices of reason which demand continued dialogue and absolute rejection of any force. There is no solution possible, that guarantees peace, outside of the path of dialogue.

Insist that the possibility of a new war in Europe should be opposed wholeheartedly. Emphasize that calling for peace and a de-escalation of the militarization of Ukraine’s borders is also a prayer for justice. Peace is a matter of choice and has to be shared by all the forces engaged in this concerning geopolitical context. Assert that while conflict may be a normal aspect of coexistence, war and violence are not inevitable. Uphold that there is no real peace until everyone is at peace.
It is time for all leaders to be accountable to peace. Published by Religions for Peace International with Religions for Peace Europe View PDF here: Religions for Peace faith leaders demand an accountability to peace

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